Portfolio / Other /
For my specialization course, I am going to produce a short VFX shot of about 25 seconds. In a nut shell, the shot will be about a subway tunnel being flooded due to a crack in the tunnel. The crack allows the water of a above laying canal to enter the tunnel system. A subway train is being caught by the flood and starts denting as it slams against the inner wall of the tunnel.
During the first block of my specialization I will research various techniques and workflows required for the final shot.
Examples of techniques I will experiment with are: using pre-fracture tools in combination with physics to create destruction effects, setting up hybrid fluid simulations in Realflow and deforming the train on impact. Half way the project I figured that Realflow appeared to get unstable once I started to simulate hi-resand wasn't able to handel the large scale simulation. This made me decide to move the flood effect to Houdini. Fluids, Particles, NCloth, Dynamics, Maya, Realflow, Houdini, DMM-Plugin, VRay